
I'm back
it was an incredibly important thing to get away for that long. Some things didn't go as planned,but good came from it. we sounded better than ever, i saw more places than i cared to(but without the shitty ones,the spectacular ones wouldn't be as such), and i think i can honestly say the dudes in the band are my friends now.

above is like 1 of......12 pictures i took. all bad, all within three days out of 7 weeks....that is a long damn time man. It has been decided that next year we are venturing to europe,recording,among other things that i've dreamed about doing.(i've recorded just nothing with the likes of kurt ballou,i mean jesus fucking christ)

so i come back to you texas...naked, in my room, listening to a 1.5 gig carepackage of music delivered by my friend braden. two days before i move to the almighty austin to become employed,and enjoy my time off whilst bettering myself in ways that i've already decided.

tonight i saw my whole family and it seems more and more that they are concerned with seeming happy than actually doing so for themselves...i guess that's either me getting older and happier, or it actually happening.

i have about 13 pounds of laundry to do, all soaked in sweat and black. tomorrow i have to go sort out my passport, buy new clothes to work in(and just wear in general..i have no winter clothes that fit), and pack my things for the journey on sunday.

i will be living with my friend matt needles. one of a handful of dudes in texas that i can truly say that i connect with on more than just one shallow level. it's exciting, i would probably choose him as a room mate, but he is nice enough to extend his living room to me nearly free of charge. perhaps he is lonely and in need of a real dude.

i am already itching to find out what the band is going to do next. it feels so powerful and amazing to be delved deep into a blinding collision of intensity and sound. the days that i felt it, i really felt it, and there were many.

i strive to be nothing more than a name on a memorial wall of contributors to the noise against relaxation and recreational music.

"chill music"
"music to sleep to"

suck my dick if that's what you want music for. if it doesn't excite every single sense of you, it's not worth listening to.

also i have a girlfriend.


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